您們好!謝謝您們在抗議假釋的過程中,全力支持我們。由於您們的幫助,正義再次得以伸張。殺害超然 Terence 的凶手的假釋申請, 己被正式駁回。昨天,我們收到德州司法部的通知,假釋委員做出如下的決定:
德州假釋委員會於二〇一七年十一月十三日否決了罪犯 Brandon Threet 的假釋申請,
RE: Offender THREET, BRANDON, State ID# 06768247, TDCJ# 01115991
On 11/13/2017, the Texas Board of Pardons and Paroles denied parole for this
offender and set the next review for 11/13/2019. You will be notified when the case
is placed in the review process, approximately four months prior to the next
review date. Should the Board receive additional information that may return the
case to the review process earlier than the next review date, you will be notified.
On 11/13/2017, the Texas Board of Pardons and Paroles denied parole for this
offender and set the next review for 11/13/2019. You will be notified when the case
is placed in the review process, approximately four months prior to the next
review date. Should the Board receive additional information that may return the
case to the review process earlier than the next review date, you will be notified.
我們深深瞭解寫抗議假釋信以及簽反對假釋連署函的困難與不易,我們感謝您們為我們投入的時間、精神和心力。抗議信上的每一個字,和每封反對假釋連署函的簽名,都對假釋委員會的決定有重要的影響。假釋委員再次否決了罪犯的假釋申請,並重申Threet 被否決的原因是基於凶手的殘暴仍對社會大眾的安全造成威脅。假釋會將下次審查時間定於兩年之後,更足以証明假釋委員的確重視我們大家的意見,也感受到了輿論的力量。
沒有任何語言和文字可以表達我們對您們的感謝。我們常重複提起我們的超然 Terence 的人生目標:
當我年老時,我能微笑著回顧我的一生;因為我知道,他人因我而得益,我的存在帶給 他人正面的影響。
My goal is to reach an old age and be able to look back on my life and smile,
knowing that others have benefited from me being alive, and I have
impacted their lives in a positive way.
knowing that others have benefited from me being alive, and I have
impacted their lives in a positive way.
由於 Threet 的凶殘,超然没有活到老年,超然没有機會微笑的回顧他的一生。超然的逝去,帶給我們永遠的哀痛。我們把超然遇害的真相訴諸於法律和公眾,也是希望能藉此提醒大家,"這個世界上,有正直善良的人,但也有極端殘暴和惡毒的人。無論我們走到那裡,無論我們在做什麼,我們都要保持警惕"。我們對超然的懷念,不可言喻。超然對人生的期許,和您們給我們的幫助,帶給我們繼續向前的勇氣。我們再次衷心感謝您的支持。
如果您有任何有關這次抗議假釋的問題,請您與我們聯絡。我們希望,下一次,仍然能得到您的協助。 敬祝 秋安!
邱瓊瓊 Chung-Chung Chiu McArdle
麥可道 James M. McArdle
麥皓然 Brendan J. McArdle